Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Life cycle of a butterfly project for Kindergarteners. Reinforces science concepts as well as some high frequency literacy skills. For the egg, I used a kidney bean. The caterpillar is pom-poms glued together with *hot glue* (very important, extra strength craft glue did not work!). I had the students form two caterpillars; the second is wrapped into the foil (chrysalis). Finally, the students use watercolors to paint one side of a coffee filter. After it dries, clip on the clothespin. Glue all to the paper with craft glue. There you have it... a butterfly project to accompany "Very Hungry Caterpillar" that drives home the science as well. The kids absolutely loved this! I will be repeating this every year. The only thing I might do differently next time is draw boxes for them to specifically glue the stage names in place. I might also make the shape of the paper into a circle so that the cycle can be seen as circular (never-ending).

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Easy Behavior Management tool. Student's behavior chart goes on front of clipboard to travel with child. Pictured is reverse of clipboard with Velcroed coins. Left is teacher bank; right is student bank. This approach allows the student hands-on ownership in the process.